Practice Space helps simplify the process of music teachers communicating with their students. Gone are the days where teachers wonder if their students are practicing and students forget what to practice. With the help of technology, Practice Space makes the process of teaching music easier than ever before.
The Student App
The Practice Space student app is awesome! The first thing I love about it, is the fact that it’s so interactive. Students know what to do and when to do it. One of the reasons students quit piano lessons, is the fact that they’re overwhelmed or get bored during practice. With the Practice Space student app, students will find themselves engaged in the lesson content and wanting to practice so they can earn a prize.
The Practice Space student app has been built around the student experience. The goal is for students to get the most out of each practice session. The app is easy to use with minimal help needed by the parents. You’ll see your students go from not practicing much to wanting to be the top of the leaderboard. Watch a demo video here.
What is this leaderbooard I’m talking about? Students are all competing for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place with other students from the same studio, regardless of if they have the same teacher or not. Points are rewarded based on practice times, if students have practiced a certain number of days in a row, and for various other reasons as well. Then, students earn gems that can be used to “purchase” items from the teacher store like avatars, backgrounds, and any other items the teacher chooses to put in there.
But along with earning rewards, students will want to practice, which is a huge goal for a lot of music teachers. Knowing your students are practicing, means they’ll progress, and in return be able to learn and retain more. When students login to the app, they’ll press the play button to start their practice session. They can time themselves, will see if they’ve met their practice goal, and will be able to access any lessons, practice notes, music theory, or technique left by their teacher.
It’s not a guessing game of what to practice anymore. Student’s will want to come to their instrument to practice and will be excited as they track their progress. Motivating your students has never been easier.
The Teacher App
While the students are having fun with the student app, teachers will love the Practice Space app as well. Teachers can use the app to create lessons and even demonstration videos for students to know what to practice. As a teacher, you’ll be able to leave detailed notes, add songs and activities for your students to do, and be able to track their progress.
Keeping your students coming back week after week with excitement and ready to learn is what you’ll begin to notice. On the app for music teachers, you can easily add new lessons or even use a saved item that’s already been assigned to your students before. You’ll have access to a library that contains any notes you have added before about specific pieces, technique, music theory, sight reading, or even video items you’ve shared with your students. After adding items, you’ll be able to customize it to meet the needs of each of your students. Students will get a notification of a new lesson you add and will immediately be able to go and practice, and also begin earning those coveted gems that turn into awards!
When you login to the app for music teachers, you’ll be able to see individual student practice time, as well as an average amount of practice time from each of your students. If you teach in a studio, all of the students can be added to be able to compete for the best practice times as well. You’ll be able to congratulate students and this is a huge way to motivate the other students to want to move up on the leaderboard. Check out this demo video!
The Website
There’s also a way for you to use the Practice Space website as well. You can just use the website or use in hand in hand with the app as well. Every teacher is different, and what works for you is perfectly fine.
At the website, you’ll be able to create your teacher account. Your students will be able to create their accounts on the website instead of using the app as well if they choose. All of the points, notes, and lessons will be accessed by your students in the same way as if they were using the app.
If you want to add items to your “store”, like I mentioned earlier, you’ll be able to do this from the website too! Simply go to the inventory tab, write in a description of the item you’re adding like “piano solo piece”, write what level it’s for like “intermediate student”, and then add an image. Then, that store item will be immediately added to the app. You’ll also be able to navigate to the store to see what’s already in there, what your students purchase with their gems, and what students are still owed items.
Are you needing a new app as a music teacher to use with your students? Why not give Practice Space a shot and see how much easier things become. To check out some behind the scene tutorials of how to effectively use Practice Space with your students, click here.
The Practice Space app was built by music teachers for music teachers! Our goal is to motivate your students to practice by providing clear goals and organized tasks in an easy to use and interactive space. The teachers use the Practice Space Connect App to create lessons and videos for their students, and the students use the Practice Space Student App where they can see detailed practice goals, track their completion, and win fun awards along the way.
For more information, visit
*Full disclosure: I was given free access to the Practice Space app and website and was paid to write this review. I only review products I’m proud of and would use myself. If you’d like me to review your app, course, or product, check out my work with me page.