Your Child Will Show Natural Talent
If your child is in a music class or taking private lessons, you may notice that your child is just naturally talented. They may pick up the concepts that are taught easily, breeze through the songs they are learning that week, or remember music facts better than some of the other kids. While listening to music in the car, they may hear a song one time and will then walk around singing the correct notes and words for the rest of the day. As a parent, this may baffle you, especially if you are not very musical yourself.
They Love Music
Children who love music will pursue it with such a passion you may not have even known was in them. They will practice without being asked (most of the time) and will enjoy different ways of experiencing music like producing, learning, writing, playing, and listening. If there is a choir, orchestra, or band concert, your child may hear about it and want to go. You might even notice your child walk through a store, hear music on the loud speaker, and stop to listen. This has happened to me so many times.
Giftedness May Take Time
Your child may not be like Mozart, who at 4 years old, could play piano fluently and was already composing. But, you may notice your child has a musical ear, has a desire to learn an instrument, or enjoys music. You may struggle with motivating your child to practice, but don’t give up. I notice that with some student’s, it just takes time for their passion to develop. As parents, just continue to encourage and motivate them to keep going.
Lessons Are a Breeze
Your child might be the student that stumps the teacher. There are those kids who fly through the piano method books, take piano lessons with ease, will learn songs on their own, or finish their music theory “just for fun”. Teachers may have a plan to teach them similar to other students, but these kids just need more. So, week after week, the teacher gives the student’s more repertoire and the child exceeds expectations. These are obvious signs your child is a gifted musician. If you’re looking for music for your child to practice, check out Virtual Sheet Music, Inc. They offer so much great music for all skill levels and instruments.
They Are a Leader
If your child is in a music class, they might take on a leadership role. These student’s learn musical concepts like tempo, dynamics, style, intonation, and note and rhythm reading so easily that they genuinely enjoy helping others learn also. These kids will probably be future teacher’s, professors, or private lesson instructors.
Have you noticed signs that your child may be musically gifted? Are you a music teacher who has gifted student’s? What are your favorite ways to inspire these young musicians? If your child has been wanting to learn to play piano, check out my online piano lessons.
*This post contains affiliate links.
Hi, my son is 51/2 and we started piano lessons for him just before he turned 5. He really enjoys it. He walks up to the piano more than 5 times a day and just plays a song. He is can’t walk past the piano without playing something. He learns about 3 new pieces of music a week (is that normal?) and seems to find it quite easy to pick up. He gets quite frustrated when he gets a note wrong and won’t really like to move on until he has corrected it. My daughter (8 years) on the other hand has to be reminded everyday to practice. He played a duet with his his sister the other day (she was on the cello) and he was able to control his pace on the piano to ensure he could keep up which I thought was very good for his age and enjoyable to listen. Is there anything else I can do to support him?
I think what you’re doing right now to support him is great. Your kiddos will keep progressing at their own pace and having 3 kids of my own, I know they all learn differently and have different strengths! Just keep encouraging him and if he flies through beginning piano lessons, that’s definitely ok too!
my three year old granddaughter is always singing, she sang along to Nora jones after hearing it once and makes up little songs about what we are doing like going swimming with Granny! I would like to encourage her but not sure how? Its her 4th birthday in April and I would like to buy her something that would encourage her musically could you advice me please on what might help her?
Wow! It sound like your granddaughter has quite a gift! For a 4 year old, she can definitely start learning the piano or keyboard, or she may enjoy a karaoke machine. A lot of them come with tracks to sing along to and a microphone. Let me know if you need more suggestions!
Hi Jessica
Love your post! My son is 4 and started teaching himself on a casio keyboard we have at home. He taught himself melody of some folk songs and nursery rhymes, plays melody with his right hand and sings the lyrics at the same time in perfect pitch. Now he is trying to incorporate chords with his left hand after seeing a street performer playing. Would you say he is ‘gifted’? I play a bit myself for fun (not good at it) but have not had any lessons. Wondering if I should start him on lessons now or should I wait until he is 6? Thank you!
Oh my goodness yes he is definitely musically gifted! To teach himself piano at the age of 4 is amazing! I would definitely get him into lessons now as some teachers offer preschool lessons. Since he’s so advanced they will be able to work with him where he’s at instead of waiting until he can read.
My son just turned 5 and we believe he is musically gifted. Since he was a baby he’s always loved music. By the time he was 2 he was already conducting the Star Wars sound track. Now he does it in the right time signatures and tempos. He can sing any song he hears perfectly on pitch, or when he hears it’s wrong he can fix it. He’s had even started making up his own parodies. My husband and I aren’t vocalist, we were both in band and he’s a band teacher. Where do we go from here? We are getting him a piano in a few weeks. He loves all things music. His first love was March bands, specifically Drum Corps so teaching him some interments is a given. But he’s also on the autism spectrum, high functioning. What’s the next step? How can we build on this?
Hi Deven! That is amazing how your son conducted the Star Wars sound track by 2. Wow! How amazing! I also love how he can sing songs with perfect pitch. I was also in band and not a vocalist just like you both and also have a high functioning autistic son. I would suggest that if he’s already showing an interest in music, then definitely get him in piano lessons. He would do so great at it! I think from here, he will maybe want to learn other instruments or go on to keep learning more piano. If you are interested, I do offer a beginning piano course for kids. Let me know if you have any more questions!
Love this!! My four year old daughter loves to sing (although, I wouldn’t say she is exactly on key 😉 ). Both my girls love “playing” the piano. I hope to get my four year old into lessons one day (but we also swim and take dance, so I don’t want to over do it).
I agree with the not wanting to overdo it part.
I grew up very sad that my parents didn’t get me into music sooner. Soooo I’m wondering WHEN I should put my son into music lessons!!!
It depends on the instrument. If it’s piano I recommend when kids are 6 or able to read.
These are great tips. My daughter has been playing piano and violin for a few years now (on and off) and I can’t get her to practice violin anymore….Perhaps it’s just not her thing although her teacher says she has a talent
It is so frustrating when you see the talent, yet they just don’t want to practice. I have a son just like that. I quit piano and then realized how much I missed it and came back to my mom and asked her if I could get back in lessons after taking a year off.
I think understanding that it takes time is key for many parents. Even if you have a nudge they are moving down the musically gifted path, time can be your friend here. Great insight! 🙂
Yes! Exactly!
I always think my son would be amazing at music, but he lacks discipline so we haven’t started lessons yet.
I have a son EXACTLY like this. He just turned 7 and I think I’ll wait 6 months to a year and then try again to teach him piano.
Great post! Music is so important!
Thank you!
Two of my kids started singing recognizable and in-tune songs by the time they were 14-15 months of age. Both were also obsessed with music from newborns. My other two kids didn’t start singing recognizable tunes until they were over 3, but are still musically gifts-just not as much as the other two.
Isn’t it amazing how our kids can be so different? We have 3 boys and one who has been musically gifted since he was a baby, one who could care less, and the toddler loves to dance
This definitely describes my sister and her husband! They are so talented!
Oh awesome!
My nephew shows giftedness in music. Just like his father, strange almost as if some are botn with it!
I agree that some are born with it. I was the only musical one in my family of five and my parents were stumped ha!
I would love to teach my niece a musical instrument – but I’m not musically inclined. Thank you for this interesting post. xx
You’re welcome. I have an online music education subscription page as well as a beginning piano course coming out this week if you’re interested!
I’m very curious to see my daughter’s music talents as she grows up. She has been “conducting” along with the Little Einsteins since she was very little, and she recognizes so many composers, songs and instruments. I’m curious if she will continue with this passion for it!
It will be cool to see if the little musician in her develops!
Thanks for this post, Jessica! We are a music-loving family. Wanting to encourage my children without pushing too hard…there is a balance there.
Yes there is!
My son loves his toy drums so much! Maybe he will be a drummer? haha he is only 1.5 so no telling yet but hopefully he is good at music. His father and I are NOT!
Haha! I am the only one in my family who is musical and my parents were stumped.
Oh, wow! This was perfect timing for me to read. I love how you state that every child should be taught music. I’ve been contemplating piano lessons for my kids at some point in the near future. What age do you think would be a good age to start that?
Hey! So I always suggest to parents that they start their kiddos in lesson when they begin learning how to read. There are teachers who will teach preschoolers though, but I feel like the kids get more out of lessons when they start around 5 or 6. I have a beginning piano course coming out next week by the way!
My daughter is only a toddler, but loves music already. She is a great ear and recognizes songs rigght away. This post is very interesting and I will refer back as she grows and develops her music abilities.
Oh that’s so great! Thank you!
My daughter started playing the cello at the beginning of the year. She absolutely loves it. She doesn’t mind practicing at all and actually does it on her own without being reminded.
That is so great! It definitely sounds like she is gifted in music and found something she is passionate about!