1. What is a piano accompanist?
A piano accompanist is simply a pianist who plays under an instrumentalist, soloist, ensemble, choir, for a wedding or event, or for a drama production. An accompanist helps play in rehearsals and may help play for a small group that needs to work on a certain part. At a wedding, they will be responsible for coming up with the music and playing for the actual ceremony. For soloists and ensembles, they will rehearse with these musicians and then also play when they perform. So basically, a piano accompanist has many ways they can play for other musicians.
2. How do I become an accompanist?
First of all, you need to know how to play piano. So, if you are already playing piano then keep it at it! If you are in middle or high school and your friends are in choir or band and need an accompanist for solo and ensemble competition, then I would say this is the perfect place to start. You could even begin by playing the piano part of a song your brother or sister wants to sing and that will give you experience with how to play underneath the main part. Earning a degree in music helps you not only continue developing as a musician, but also will put you in the lead with the competition when it comes to getting the accompanist jobs.
3. How much do I get paid?
How much you get paid honestly depends on which gig you’re accompanying for. When I played for Tulsa Children’s Chorus, I would get paid every other week just like any other job and earned about $20 an hour. When you play for soloists or ensembles or a wedding, you get paid one set fee and this is between you and the people you are playing for. If you are in high school or college, accompanying is a way to just get experience under your belt and sometimes you won’t charge. So, there is a wide range of pay, but if you are playing for multiple gigs and have a couple of consistent weekly jobs, you will make good money.
4. Do I have to read music well?
To be an accompanist who plays with other musicians, you have to be able to read music. If you’re playing with any musician who is reading their score, you will have the piano score in front of you and will need to follow along so you can stay together. A lot of times, they will ask to start at a certain measure number, so you have to be ale to know where that is. Make sure if you’re currently in lessons, you aren’t rushing past reading music and only focusing on playing by ear. I cannot tell you the amount of times I have heard other pianists tell me they wish they knew how to read music. There are so many other opportunities out there for musicians who play by ear, but to be a piano accompanist, yes you need to be able to read music.
5. How do I get the jobs?
To put yourself out there as an accompanist, you have to market yourself. Email the school choir and band directors and your local wedding venues. Look on the job sites for choirs and ensembles needing rehearsal accompanists. Ask your musician friends if they know of anyone looking to hire a piano accompanist. You will be surprised that after you play one or two gigs, word will get around that you are available and a lot of times the jobs just start coming to you.
Are you a piano accompanist or does this sound like something your child would be interested in pursuing one day?
My daughter is currently taking music lessons and I think it would be fun for her to collaborate with others. She is currently taking piano and violin lessons and she wants to learn how to play the guitar. I think one day she will be able to accompany any other instrument because she will have different instruments to play.
A good accompanist is worth their weight in gold! I belong to a group that does amateur musicals and operettas, and a good rehearsal pianist makes such a difference.
Yes it does! Thank you!
As a vocalist, I’ve always had a deep appreciation for my accompanist! They are so amazing!
That is great!
Love it! I was an accompanist out of high school and loved it! I hope my kids love music as much as I do.
Oh that’s so awesome!
What a great and informative post! I played some piano and the trombone growing up. I am hoping my kids too will love to play music
Oh awesome! I have one who is interested in music and one who is all sports right now.
Super interesting. My niece will start college in the fall as a freshman in the “music therapy” program. She plays the cello and will continue doing that, but will also take lots of psychology classes as well. I thought this was such an amazing opportunity for her to continue her passion as well as gain great education in a field she may not have otherwise chosen. I look forward to more in this series.
Oh that is so great! I almost pursued a degree in music therapy. She will love it!
This series is so cool! My eldest is really interested in music, so I can’t wait to see what else you write;) Thanks for sharing!
Oh awesome thanks so much!
Very informative! Thank you for sharing!
You’re welcome thanks for reading!
Thank you for such an informative post. Look forward to more from this space.
Thank you very much!
This is a great idea for a series!
What a great series!! Looking forward to the rest of it.
Thank you!