

With each blog post I write, my hope is that you’ll get ideas you can implement in your classroom and home life right away.  Whether you’re just starting out in your teaching career or you’ve been teaching several years, you’ll find many ideas to inspire you each week.

Use the search button at the bottom of the elementary music blog page to find what you’re looking for.  You’ll find ideas to implement in your classroom or help for you as a teacher.  You don’t need to feel overwhelmed in your teaching journey and can find joy in your teaching again.






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Assessment and lesson planning work together and not against each other. So many times, teachers (including myself) do a great
Every grade level that comes into the music room has a different set of concepts you need to cover. It's
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Curriculum development in the music room is already happening every day. Yes, you're a curriculum developer and designer whether you
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There are many types of instructional models. Some are used to design courses, others are used to design lessons and
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Most of the time, you probably sit down to plan lessons on your own. As an elementary music teacher, more
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Maybe you've wanted to bring more technology into your elementary music classroom, but you're needing new ideas. There's so much
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What do you do when you feel like quitting music teaching? More than ever before, teaching has gotten harder for
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Have you tried talking less during instructional time as a music teacher? You’ll lose your voice less and students will
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Sometimes, you'll get a class that has more students in it than normal.  Or, there might be a certain day