

With each blog post I write, my hope is that you’ll get ideas you can implement in your classroom and home life right away.  Whether you’re just starting out in your teaching career or you’ve been teaching several years, you’ll find many ideas to inspire you each week.

Use the search button at the bottom of the elementary music blog page to find what you’re looking for.  You’ll find ideas to implement in your classroom or help for you as a teacher.  You don’t need to feel overwhelmed in your teaching journey and can find joy in your teaching again.






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elementary music classroom management
"But I just want to teach music!'  How many times have you had this exact thought?  You went to college
After graduating from ORU with a Bachelors in Music Education, I remember how excited I was to begin my teaching
In another blog post, I discussed how I like to teach music with the Orff method.   Like I stated in
orff method
There are so many different music teaching methods out there.  How do you choose which one to use?  This decision
elementary music teacher resources
Teachers, how many times have you heard "oh it must be nice to get so many breaks." I can't count
elementary music resources
March is "Music in our Schools Month".  Did you even know this was a thing?  I think it is the
how to teach inner city students
Imagine this. You graduate from college with your degree in hand excited to teach music to kids. Then, you get
teaching kids to sing
Teaching kids to sing can be uncomfortable for parents and teachers if singing is not our strong suit.  But, there
elementary music lessons
One of the many great things about music education is it reaches every learning style.  Teaching music and learning styles