Teaching elementary music is rewarding, yet exhausting, no matter if you’re a new or Veteran teacher. There are so many things that happen during any given day, and it can leave you feeling overwhelmed and maxed out when you’re not expecting it.
After reading through the pages of this book, you’ll find your confidence, identify feelings that may have held you back, and will feel prepared to tackle any unexpected challenges that may come up during the school year. But Make A Note will also inspire you to realize you’re not alone and that there are elementary music teachers all over the world who can relate to you and get what you’re going through.
“Jessica Peresta’s “Make A Note” is a great book for teachers who are at a new point in their teaching career, whether it’s as a brand new teacher, a teacher switching to a new school, or a teacher changing levels. Her positivity and honesty draw the reader in, helping them to find ways to prioritize their lives (and those to-do lists!), take care of themselves and all of their relationships, and be the best music teacher that they can be. Jessica acknowledges that every teacher is different, and what works for her might not work for any other teacher. She encourages her reader to find out what will make them successful, and then put all of the pieces into place so that they can be an excellent music teacher. Jessica talks about how it can be difficult, especially if you are the only music teacher in your school. The emphasis on the importance of relationships – family, friends, coworkers, and students – makes it clear that Jessica was a successful teacher, and wants each reader of her book to feel the same way.”
Amy Johnson
“Jessica has done a terrific job of portraying the real-life young teacher and all of the joys and tribulations that go along with the day-to-day life in a music classroom. She succinctly discusses every little nuance and the many possible resolutions and does it with a humorous tone. So easily relatable, even for “seasoned” teachers. A great read!”
Wendi Rounce
“I wish “Make A Note” had been available to me before my first year of teaching! Jessica’s book should be required reading for every college Music Education major and student teacher. This book goes into every nitty-gritty detail of the life of an elementary music teacher. Jessica shares her story and experiences teaching elementary music in such a honest, warm way. It feels like a mentor teacher and their mentee talking about their school week over coffee! I nodded, laughed and teared up a few times as I read, remembering my early years of teaching music. I love how Jessica gives practical steps for success that will work with any teaching situation, but also encourages teachers to be their own unique person. Jessica reminds teachers that we are the exact music teacher our students need and we are there on purpose! Reading this book helped renew my passion for teaching elementary music as I enter my ninth year!”
Rachel Hahn
“Jessica has been a huge help in getting me through the early years of teaching, and this book does not fall short of the compassion she has shown music teachers in other capacities. I found myself nodding and agreeing with every word I read, with a few “yes” and “amen” exclamations thrown in! I can’t wait for other music teachers to get their hands on this book, and I look forward to gifting a copy to any emerging young educators I meet in the future.”
Katie Holbrook
“Make A Note” is a must-read for first-year music teachers! I wish I could have read this book before my first year, but it is a great tool for any music teacher. It was as if Jessica was talking directly to me and knew how I was feeling. This book is easy to read and will be one that I reread every year.”
Jenifer Phillips