Maybe you want to make extra money as a teacher, but you don’t know where to start. There are truly so many awesome ideas available, and the first place to start is to figure out what aligns with you. Then, think about if you want to start a teacher business or make extra money on […]
Month: March 2022

How to Start a Teacher Business
Thinking about how to start a teacher business can be a bit confusing and overwhelming. Whether you’re thinking about starting a side hustle or want to start a business, you’ll learn the steps to take in this blog post (and on episode 166 of The Elementary Music Teacher podcast). Know your why Before you […]

How to Teach Elementary Music without Enough Instruments
It’s tough to teach music without enough instruments. But, it’s not impossible. I started my elementary music teaching career with one broken hand drum. That was it. Although it was frustrating at times wanting to use a classroom full of instruments and not having that, music was still taught to my students. Sometimes it’s not […]

Assessment in Elementary Music
Assessment in elementary music is something that can be a bit tricky. Unlike a general classroom where formative assessments are done all day long in reading and math, a lot of what happens in elementary music is performance based. Therefore, the assessment waters can get a bit confusing and it’s overwhelming trying to figure out […]