Christmas is such a special time of year and there are so many traditions that we hold dear to our hearts. Some of my favorite memories are decorating the Christmas tree, going to see lights, and listening to Christmas music. There are so many great Christmas songs that have been written. Kids love to sing […]
Month: November 2017

Learning to Play the Guitar: Tips to Prepare Your Child
According to many scientific studies, learning to play the guitar is beneficial for a child’s growth and development. Playing the guitar increases the size of the brain’s left hemisphere and can help children remember up to a fifth more information. Not only does it help mentally, but learning to play the guitar can teach your child discipline, social […]

10 Things to Be Thankful for this Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is the time of year to stop and reflect on what we’re thankful for. Life gets busy and it’s easy to lose track of what we truly have. As I was reflecting on what I have, I chose 10 things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. 1. God Without God, I would not […]

Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons Autumn Activity
Antonio Vivaldi is one of the most famous composers of all time. As a Baroque composer, one of his most famous musical works is The Four Seasons. Each of the set of 4 violin concerti is based on a particular season. While listening to each concerto, it helps you imagine you are in that season. […]