Many adults regret not learning piano as a child. I have heard many comments like “I regret not sticking with it” or “I just don’t think I will be able to learn how to play now”. I am here to tell you that it is never too late to learn how to play piano. If […]
Month: October 2017

The Ultimate List of Halloween Songs for Kids
Kids love Halloween, and what better way to celebrate than by singing and dancing to Halloween music? I created the ultimate list of Halloween songs for kids, because I wanted to share my favorites with you. I have also included links to my favorite Halloween CD’s, music program, and music song books for younger and […]

How Musicians Make the Best Employees
There are many factors that go into how musicians make the best employees. Most musicians are hard workers, have great work ethic, and are very organized. Many employers like to hire musicians, because they know how smart and driven they are. 1. Musicians Don’t Give Up So many hours of practice go into learning an […]