I am obviously passionate about music education, am an online music teacher, and most of my blog posts are about this. But, I wanted to let my readers know a little bit more about me. So, what better way to do that than to tell you 7 things you don’t know about me-The Domestic Musician. […]
Month: April 2017

How Poetry and Music Go Hand in Hand
To celebrate National poetry month, the music educator in me wanted to share how elementary music and poetry go hand in hand. I love using poetry to teach music, because there are so many similar characteristics between them. There is truly nothing I love more than forming connections between music and other subjects. […]

Music and Social Studies Integration Ideas for Kids
While in school, I never had a teacher who made learning history, geography, or social studies fun and exciting. It wasn’t until a music teacher taught a “50 States” song, that I realized I could retain and memorize facts. So, when I became a music teacher, I wanted my student’s to not only learn the […]

3 Fun Ways Piano Student’s can Practice Curving their Fingers
One of the hardest concepts to teach and for piano student’s to learn is how to curve their fingers. It is a challenge because children don’t understand why it’s so important and curving our fingers doesn’t come naturally. Curving the fingers is important because as lessons progress and the piano repertoire gets harder, correct technique […]

How to Teach Music to the Hearing Impaired Child
I have said it before and I’ll say it again…EVERY child can and should learn music. I never want any student to feel like they can’t learn music because of a disability. In this blog post, I want to give you ideas for how to teach music to the hearing impaired child. Some of the […]