For some autistic children, participating in a music class can be overwhelming. Every child is a unique individual and will have different learning styles, but all children can benefit greatly from learning music. Music definitely speaks to my high functioning autistic son, which I wrote about here, and watching how quickly he learns music […]
Month: January 2017

How to Encourage Learning in the Child who Hates Music Class
You may have wondered how to encourage learning in the unmotivated child in music. Have you asked this question many times? There is always that one child. The child who acts out or disrupts, says “I hate this”, or who just doesn’t try. It’s so frustrating when you just want to teach music and want […]

How to Integrate Music and Reading for Kids
Have you ever wondered how to go about integrating music into language arts or reading? Believe it or not, there are several ways to integrate music with reading. There are books about composers, famous singers and dancers, rhyming books, books about different genres and books about music from around the world. Reading to and with […]

10 Song Lyrics To Help Parents Survive Until Bedtime
Do your kids just generally annoy you some days? Well, mine definitely do. Don’t get me wrong. I love those tiny humans more than anything in the world, but there are those days I just can’t even! These 10 song lyrics to help parents survive until bedtime, will help you to take a deep breath, […]

How Your Life Is Like a Song
How your life is like a song is pretty incredible. You see, as we go through life, we are creating our own “song” including an intro, verses, chorus, and coda. What’s amazing is how your life song is unlike any other person’s. So, how can you write your song to make it sound beautiful? […]