Instead of stating my New Years Resolutions, I decided to take a different spin on things and state my Anti New Years Resolutions. I have so many things I want to accomplish this year from growing my blog, being a better mom and wife, investing better in friendships, and so much more. But, there […]
Month: December 2016

5 Kidtastic Christmas Spotify Playlists
We love listening to and dancing along to music. There are so many great music stations to listen to, and our favorites are Christmas Spotify playlists. Your kids will love to dance and sing along to these festive and fun stations. I cannot tell you the number of times I push play, turn the music […]

The 12 Days of Christmas Break
The time has come when the weather is getting colder, the kids have tons of energy, and parents are needing ideas to save their sanity over Christmas break (preaching to myself here people). Well…fear not. I have composed a list of 12 fun and interactive Christmas break activities for kids to keep the kids busy […]