Learn About the Composers
There are so many composers and they are all from different countries. A great way to integrate music with foreign language, is by talking about the country where that language is spoken. Learning about the composers is a great way to get started. Here are a few of my favorite composers and where they are from to help get you started…
- Beethoven is from Germany
- Mozart is from Austria
- Verdi is from Italy
- Tchaikovsky is from Russia
- Chopin is from Poland
Fill in the Blank
A great activity to help student’s learn a new language, is by filling in the blank. In this activity, student’s will listen to a simple song from that language. On their paper will be several blank spots. When they hear that word come in, have them fill that missing word in to the best of their ability. Then, discuss what the word is, how to pronounce it, and continue the song until they get to the next blank. Then, when the paper is finished, practice learning the song as student’s use their new vocabulary to sing it.
Learn to Sing in Another Language
Why is it important to learn to sing in another language? Well did you know that learning to sing another language is easier than speaking that particular language? Here are some reasons why…
- diction is taught
- repetitive melodies are learned
- children will gain confidence while practicing a song in another language.
- social studies and language arts integration is also possible by learning about that country being sung and by reintroducing vocabulary in a different language
Listening Activity
Pick one of your favorite songs from another language. While listening to the song, have student’s draw a picture or write words about how the song makes them feel. Then, discuss what the words in the song means and see if student’s pictures or word descriptions align with what the song is really about. Student’s will be surprised to find out that most of the time, they could figure out what the song was just by listening just like a beginning reading student can figure out what the pages of a book are about by looking at the pictures.
What is your favorite way to teach or learn a new language? Have you ever integrated music with foreign language or with any other subject?
P.S. Are you feeling frustrated or stuck as an elementary music teacher? Check out these free resources to help you teach elementary music with confidence!
We love singing. In India we have many languages! We can sing in many of them but speak only a few! I totally understand your idea!
That is so great!
This is great information! I love music and am bilingual! I am a firm believer of learning and listening to music as well as acquiring additional languages.!
Thank you so much! S
Great tips! I play classical music and operas for my toddler. Maybe when she is older she will already have an ear for a new language.
That is so great that you incorporate Classical music into your home! I do believe wholeheartedly that as she grows up she will love music!
My son is 3 and into music. I’m sure most 3 year olds are but it’s nice having an outline on steps to incorporate it and teach it. thank you.
That’s great he loves music so much! Keep pursuing that interest of his!
Thank you!! I would love to learn more German. I took some in jr High and really wish it would have been offered in the school we moved too.
Me too! My best friend speaks German fluently and I would love to learn it better!
Great blog post! I love teaching my students about instruments from various countries. They listen to then watch excerpts of the featured instrument (both solo and in ensembles), learn how to pronounce its name, and I break down the name and translate it so they can see how instruments are often named after the material they’re made from, their shape, and/or what they sound like. Some examples are “glockenspiel” which is German for ‘bells play’, “xylophone” from the Greek meaning ‘wood sound’ and “shamisen” which is Japanese for ‘three lines’ and perfectly describes the 3-stringed instrument. Incorporating foreign language definitely helps broaden one’s scope of cultural and musical learning!
I love every single one of these ideas! Great job!
Great lesson! I’m always down to kill two birds with one stone and teaching music and geography at the same time, even squeezing some history in there is a great lesson!
Thank you so much! And I feel ya on killing two birds!
These are great tips! I just taught my 23 month old the German alphabet because I still remembered it from school. It definitely helps you to remember things when it is in song form! She loves learning about all of the composers on Little Einsteins too. I never thought to expand on that with their countries!
Oh that’s amazing about teaching the German alphabet!
How clever! It’s so easy to remember lyrics rather than text. I can see this method as a super effective way to learn a language for all ages.
Thank you so much!
I love these ideas! At my children’s elementary school they play a piece over the loud speaker each morning. I believe they do the same piece each day for a week. They are introduced to a variety of composers this way including many from foreign countries!!
I love this so much! That is so amazing that your children’s school does that! So many schools are taking music out of the curriculum, and it is so important.
As a teacher and mom, I love any opportunity to integrate subject areas! I teach virtually and this year, I had my students to listen to songs in foreign languages to help them understand the idea of making inferences when reading. As you said, songs have a way of making you feel something, even if you are unsure of what the words mean! I also used pop song mash ups to illustrate the word “synthesize” and it made a HUGE difference. This is great advice for both educators and parents!
I love this! You are doing such an amazing job. I love meeting other teachers!
Great tips! I need to look into singing in a foreign language.
These are great tips! I love learning foreign languages but I never thought of integrating music with this. It does make sense though. Thanks for this! 🙂
Thank you!
I never thought about signing in a foreign language. What a great idea.